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Women in Construction

Woman Working in Construction

The UK construction industry is huge! Around 7% of the UK’s ‘working age’ population is employed in this sector. Quite often thought of as a man’s environment, this is no longer the case. Many women are now opting for a career in the construction industry for many reasons, with two of the most popular being the career prospects and a guaranteed job throughout the recession. So if you are a woman who is interested in working in the construction industry, read on to find out more.

What Types of Job are Available?

Recent studies show that just 9% of the construction industry are female. Whilst this may seem like a low figure, compare it to twenty or thirty years ago and you will realise the change. Most women in the construction industry are employed in the following sectors:

  • • Secretarial – 84%

  • • Design and management – 10%

  • • Micro enterprises – 4%

  • • Sole traders – 1%

  • • Trades People – 1%


Although most women choose to work in the secretarial sector, there are still a small percentage of women who are happy to break down the gender barriers and work alongside men in the more physical jobs.

Women may also be surprised to know that they are increasingly in demand in the UK housing sector. If construction work needs to be done during the daytime when a man is at work, women are often preferred for these kinds of jobs.

Where to Start?

If the idea of working in the construction industry appeals to you, you have a number of options and requirements. First of all you will need to decide upon the specific sector that you would like to work in. London currently has the largest construction industry in the UK and so this is a good place to start. Websites and forums can also help you speak to other women in this industry and learn what to expect.

The next step is to apply for a CSCS card. In order to apply for a CSCS card in London or in any other part of the UK you will need to have taken and passed a CSCS Health, Safety & Environment Test and have taken the NVQ which is relevant to your chosen occupation. There are numerous CSCS Health, Safety & Environment Test centers in London and in other cities in the UK. Although you may find a job without completing a CSCS Health, Safety and Environment Test in London, you will find that over 80% of employers will not hire you unless you are in possession of a CSCS card.

After completing and passing your CSCS Health, Safety & Environment Test in London you will be well on your way to beginning a demanding yet exciting new career!


This entry was posted in Construction Recruitment.